May 2011 Training
3 May............25ks to Otane via Tod Road. Weather cool,sunny and little wind going. Very easy ride.
4...............21mins on trainer.
5...............30ks to Argyll School and return. Cool, sunny and no wind. good ride.
7...............25mins on trainer. Rain all day.
8...............34.5ks.Over Argyll hills to Otane. Excellent ride and beautiful day for cycling. Warm sunny and no wind.
11.............28.5ks. Otane via Tod Road. Warm and sunny and no wind.
15.............39.1 Ks. Patangata Pub circuit. Sun/cloud very windy going.
16.............22 mins. on trainer. Very windy. not a nice day.
18.............23 mins on trainer. Nice sunny warm day.Worked on the new conservatory
19.............21 mins on trainer. Nice sunny warm day.Worked on the new conservatory.
20.............40ks toTilokino. Nice sunny day with no wind.Left ride a little late so sun was in my eyes going.
22.............50 ks. Te onepu and return.Lots of climbing. Fine sunny day warmish and no wind.Had very good ride. This May has been so much better than last year which was awful in comparison.I am also much further ahead in my training and feel much stronger. maybe its just the weather.
23............21 mins on trainer
24 ...........22 mins on trainer
25............14.5ks. three long hill and overcast.
26............25 mins on trainer. Went to Hastings. Warm and heavy rain much of the day.
27............27.2 ks .Otane via Tod Road. Weather fine,warm and sunny with little wind.
28............21 mins on trainer.
29............57.4ks. To 28k mark on Makorora Rd.Arms hurt me a bit and made me disinclined to do the whole circuit.Felt a bit bored with the ride trying to keep my HR down to under 75% Max. Coldish and sunny with no wind. Av HR 104.
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